Saturday, 15 March 2014

Tips Taking Cats to the Vet

Tips Taking Cats to the Vet

If your family includes a lovable cat, you know that trips to the vet can often be a wild ride. Many cats do not like being inside cages or riding in the car as they hate having "Car Sick", and can be extremely vocal about it. Because vet visits can be such a hard time for both pet and owner alike, often cats don’t receive the preventative care they need. But there are some simple steps to help calm your fearful cat, and help make regular check-ups a hassle-free experience.

First, help your cat become accustomed to being in a carrier. This is one of the biggest hurdles for many cat parents. There’s nothing quite like the strength of a cat determined not to go inside a carrier. Try leaving the carrier out around the house, giving your cat a chance to smell, investigate, and perhaps even nap inside of it. Try leaving some savory treats inside. Seeing and interacting with the carrier on a regular basis will help disassociate the cat with “scary events”. On the day of the vet visit, give your cat praise and more cat treats after closing the door to the carrier. Placing a familiar toy or shirt with your scent on it will help her relax a bit. Once at the veterinarian office, try to find a quiet corner away from anxious canines.

Your cat needs preventative care every bit as much as a dog (or yourself!). Older cats, especially, are prone to many diseases that can be avoided with regular check-ups. Remember that cats will react to your energy, so remain calm and carry on!

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Love Your Pet Today!!

Pets give us unconditional love - why don't we love them back?

All pets are good for us - numerous studies have shown the health benefits of owning a pet.
Personally, I'm a fish person. Each and every one has brought smiles and companionship - my fish even swam to the top to greet me! (I know - they probably just wanted food.) And I also love to talk to my fish.
So on February 20 - show your pets you appreciate their unconditional love and devotion! Spend some extra time letting them know how important they are in your life! Who else is always happy to see you? Never, ever rolls their eyes at you? Is always willing to play with you, walk with you, or just cuddle next to you on the couch for some down time? Or best still you can buy them a present!!

There are unlimited ways you can show your pet your love!

  • An extra treat! What's your pet's favorite food? My dogs love yogurt, so I put some plain or vanilla yogurt in ice cube trays and freeze them. On special days, they each get a yogurt cube and love it!
  • An extra-long walk! Especially if the weather's nice, take your dog for an special walk -- not for exercise, not for training, not for any other reason but to spend some time together. Go to a favorite part and take your dog's favorite toy. An extra 10 minutes of fetch will show your dog how much you care!
  • Go for a ride! My cat loved riding in the car. He would stand in the passenger seat with his front paws on the arm rest and watch everything out the window. He especially loved riding at night. So every once in a while, without "having" to take him anywhere, I would just take him for a ride. He loved it and I loved seeing him enjoy it!
  • A new toy! Since I am co-owner of a shop that specializes in small dog stuff Golly Gear, my dogs could have new toys every day of the week. I don't do that. Instead, I leave only a few toys out at a time. The others are put away in a bin in the closet. When it's time for "new" toys - the dogs are all excited about going to the bin and picking a new toy. While they're busy "shopping," I grab a couple of toys that have been out and put them away. Everything old is new again!
  • Cuddle! Instead of sitting in the chair for one - sit on the couch and invite the four-legged members of the family to share your tv time.
  • Talk to them! There's no sound on earth your pet would rather hear than your voice.